Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Great Legitimate Opportunites are Still Available

I want to start this blog by saying, I am glad to be in Texas. I believe Texas is one of the places that if you have a decent attitude and a strong work ethic you can make it.

When I was growing up I thought about making $30,000 or $40,000... Just doing whatever. And let me tell you right now there is nothing wrong with making that type of money. But I say If you can make more, Why not?

I never thought that I would be making over $100,000 per year and much less teaching average people like me how to make that kind of money.

But I had a PHD! What is that?
Poor, Hungry, and Driven. The Driven( Work Ethic) is what made the difference. Lots of people are poor and hungry, but they are not driven. I believe there are some good sales jobs in Houston. But the Great ones with true Long Term Potential are tough to find.

Let's go ahead and get to the meat and potatoes of this conversation. I want to share with you my recipe for success in sales.
I am not going to paint a pie in the sky. I promise to be honest and truthful, but also like most sales guys I am full of it.

To all who read this I am the worst about run on sentences. I am from Mississippi, don't hold that against me.

But first and foremost sales jobs in houston are a dime a dozen. I guess if you look around the nation, their are many sales jobs that are not legit.

Many individuals think sales are all the same and alot are. But let me ask you one question?
What is the most recession proof industry in America? Sales! and inside of Sales it is Insurance Sales. Now your probably about to leave and say, Oh here we go with Insurance Sales again.

Those guys call me all the time. Humm.... The Industry that is the number #1 Highest Paid Profession in the WORLD... You might think of talking to those guys.

The problem is finding a company that is legit and will provide you with HIGH QUALITY LEADS and KEEP THEIR PROMISES.
But my readers there is Hope.

Integrity is lost in the Market Place today. Most have lost their backbone. I will be the first to tell you that I believe in what I do and I take pride in being in the Insurance Business.
Sure in some situations it is a Rip-Off, but try living without it. But to find a legit sales job in houston can be tough.

Oh and by the way I was not born into sales business, I ran a Landscape Business back in Mississippi. We installed waterfalls, ponds, and cut grass too... Did that for 10 years..
I really enjoyed working outside and I still do. The problem was I could not make the money I wanted to make.

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